My Barbie dolls have resided safely in a box at my Mom's house for many years now! We always knew I'd be saving them for my daughters one day! Since Gracie is now beginning to collect and play with Barbies, I asked Mom to send them our way the other day! But until we opened the box tonight with Aunt Vanessa, I had forgotten just how old and special of a treasure we've had in my family!
Gracie is so excited as you'll see in these pictures. She's still not quite old enough to entrust priceless family belongings to, but for now, we'll pull them out and enjoy from time to time together! Tonight we've put together a little fashion show to share with you just how neat these treasures really are! To know some of these have gone through the hands of and been loved by, five generations of us girls! So sweet!
Piles of Barbie Dolls! You can't tell I have one super happy little girl can you??? |
Some of the Barbie doll clothes my Mom made for me one Christmas! Even before she sent them, I could have described much of the fabrics and designs just from memory! And like Mom told me the other day, it's neat to see how the velvet cape on the left seems to fit the newer release of Little Red Riding Hood! I guess some stories just never get too old! |
Gracie and Grandma's skipper clothes!!! See the wig in one of their hands? I always thought those were so cool, and never something we had as kids. Well except me of course, since my Mom saved hers for me from when she was a little girl! When I said these were "Grandma's skipper clothes" Aiden got very nostalgic and said, "awww, I didn't know about our Grandma Skipper"! It was pretty funny! |
Gracie holding Barbie's adorned in clothing made by Great Grandma Betty! And may I add that Gracie's middle name Elizabeth comes from this same Grandma Betty that we love and miss so very much! I can't wait for her to see these pictures! |
Look at the detail on this dress! I love knowing that this same dress was made with love, patience, and care many years ago for the little girl Grandma treasures and loves so very much! |
Aunt Nessie sent some of her Barbies for Gracie girl to have and cherish too! |
And the oldest of them all.....these clothes were made by Gracie's Great Great Grandma Vienno! I sure hope I spelled her name correctly. Anyhow, I remember and could've described this green jacket to you also, as I played with all of these as a little girl myself! |
And for a final thought, let me just share that this dress was one of my most favorites. I always thought it was so elegant and beautiful! I think this was my Peaches and Cream Barbie? I never saw the tatter, wear, and tear that I noticed today! She was always just beautiful! I hope my Gracie will enjoy the princess in her like I did! And yes, you've GOTTA love the getup on these Ken dolls! Had to share their style for a good laugh! |
My peaches and cream Barbie was my favorite as well!