Saturday, April 16, 2011

When I grow up....I want to be a Mommy!

I want to spend a few moments talking about my sweet Gracie girl.  I love all of my children, not one more than the other!  It's always amazed me at the differences in my boys and Gracie, from the very day of their birth.  Having a daughter is different than a son.  One is not greater than the other, God just created them to be so perfectly unique!  As she grows older, I'm enjoying her companionship every day and am amazed at just how much she wants to follow in my steps!

If it's a Mommy chore, a woman action, or a girly habit, you can rest assured that my little Gracie has it mastered!  I know that when a kitchen utensil, office supply, or most notoriously MY MAKEUP and DEODARANT come up missing......just ask Gracie!  Nine times out of ten she knows exactly where it's located.  And most frequently, that would be in her Dora kitchen or her purse! 

 And what does my daughter want to be when she grows up?  A Mommy!  This is so precious to me and so important.  What she values already at the age of three is the ability to nurture, care for, and love those closest to her!  She loves learning how to cook, clean, garden, and be like me.  I can only pray that I pass the virtues onto her that God intends.  And how wonderful it is that my young daughter values these things and not the 'superstars' of today.  Even our youngest children are being targeted to the 'tweenybopper' lifestyle and ideas.  Not in this house! 

I was raised by wonderful women.  I have an amazing Mom, Grandma, step-mom, and sweet Granny that we laid to rest recently.  Each one of these women has helped to shape my life and turn me into who I am today.  And now, they're helping to shape my beautiful daughter's life also!  If my baby girl wants to grow up to be a Mommy......then I say AMEN to that! 

God please lead me into teaching my daughter that you have a plan and a purpose for her life!  A plan that's so much grander than the world around her!  I pray that I share with her my strengths and not my weaknesses, and that from my example she will always seek Your will first and foremost in her life!  I want to share with her how to be still before you!  Thank you for this wonderous little girl and the way that her life touches us every day!  I love these children and I thank you for entrusting them to me!  In Jesus' sweet name!


The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things-that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Titus 2:3-5

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