Monday, June 6, 2011

Healing, Homesteading, and Humor!

Oh my, where to begin?  It's been quite the adventure around here this last week or so, as always!  With so much I've been wanting to share, I'm just not sure where to start! 

It took me awhile to get my heart and mind where they needed to be today!  Tommy left for work this morning and after 3 whole weeks and the challenges we've faced as a family this time home, it was extra hard to see him go!  And with my husband also went so much of our help with me still recovering!  So mixed with the sadness was also the uncertainty of just how exactly all of this was going to work these next two weeks!  He did set us up pretty great with our own 'dog watering system' on the 4wheeler, and some rearranging that will make our days so much easier!

And then something amazing happened!  As the day went by and I got past some of the reluctance, I began to see things come together!  I woke up from a much needed rest to find my little sister already had the dogs taken care of!  My kids were all playing outside to their hearts content...which means for some great sleeping tonight...and I WAS ABLE TO WATER MY GARDEN!  I know, sounds so silly and small, but it's a big step.  Mostly in the sense that it brought a little more encouragement to my heart.  Much needed encouragement! I type, I'm eating one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth....a sandwich loaded down with the first ripe tomatoes from our garden!  I don't think there's anything like it, and although I've always heard people talk about homegrown tomatoes, my taste buds still work in awe tonight!  Even better is how we've been just eating the cherry tomatoes like candy all week!  Aiden ate one of the large tomatoes like an apple tonight and loved it!  As for me....I especially love that I know EXACTLY what is nourishing my little one's body's when it comes from our own land!

So today is good.  Life is grand.  Our God is still in control.  My family is complete.  And I continue to heal.  We miss Tommy when he's gone, but I'm just so glad he was able to be home with us through these trying weeks.  For anyone whose been wondering what I'm referring to, I had a complete abdominal hysterectomy less than three weeks ago....the 'old fashioned', cut through your stomach muscle kind.  It was necessary but it's been hard on all of us in many ways.  Harder than I realized it would be.  But today, I continue to heal.  Today I'm not 'sickly' like I was before the surgery, nor do I carry the fear that I have cancer on my shoulders., I just heal.  And thank God for the children that He has so graciously blessed us with.  Our family is complete, our family is perfect, and as I heal I know I can better be Mom to this family healthy!

Now to share some of what has made my heart smile...

Peaches Peaches!!!!!  Tommy brought them home and look what we can do......

Canned peaches in syrup!  First batch ever, so now I know to pack them tighter and put less syrup over them to better preserve more per jar next time!  But they turned out beautiful anyway!  We did have a problem peeling them with the technique we used.  I think maybe we should have waited a few more days because they weren't easy to peel!  And you see the days harvest, which will also be part of this weeks canning and freezing projects!  And something so exciting to me is my canisters in the back!  I took apart a bouquet from when I was in the hospital and used them to arrange inside these!  I think they turned out so pretty!  I was grateful to have the time to slow down and enjoy being creative....until then they still had fall leaf decor inside of them!  And of course the beautiful yellow flowers Gracie picked for me are still on display!  Oh yeah, and this was my sisters first canning experience!  She did great and was so much help!  She's ready for the peach preserves we'll be making tomorrow!

And I'm able to cook a little these days again!  Not big meals, but occasional small, easy meals!  So I experimented with our Pablano Peppers for Sunday dinner!  I sauteed them a little for the roasted effect, then stuffed them with a mixture of chicken, salsa, and cheese~the same I used in the quesadillas!  Mmm mmm good, especially for a thrown together first try!

Some sadness this week....we lost a dog that had been a gift to me, a chicken (always one of the sexlinks), and one of two new baby turkeys.  But on the's our little turkey survivor!  And for a good laugh, let me tell you that this cute little fella is STILL in a little home in my foyer, just a baby gobblin' away!  When I asked my silly husband what the plan was for the little guy, he answered in perfectly Tommy, country boy, just like a giant kid style....
"Gobble gobble, it's a turkey.  They come in the house all the time!  In November people always have turkeys inside."
And so goes the conversations in our home!  I LOVE my countrified, always entertaining husband.  But tomorrow, little guy goes OUTSIDE, where LIVE turkeys belong! ;)

My oldest little farm hand has once again been in the mud!  I love this boy and he LOVES his 4wheeler! 

We are so blessed.  I wouldn't change anything about our life, our family, or our lifestyle.  I only continue to pray for God's grace and guidance to be the mother and wife He has called me to be.  My husband and children deserve nothing less than that!  And to be a good steward over all He has entrusted to us!  I am thankful for healing, and the forgiveness of my imperfections in the process!  And so blessed to have the help and the family that I do.  Our God is such a good God!  May you find blessings, peace, and comfort from His this week! 


NOTE: I'm in need of input concerning processing my tomatoes.  I'm about to have a very large harvest and plan to put up whole, diced, stewed, mater juice and sauce.  The whole shebang really.  And I have yet to purchase a food mill.  I searched online tonight and came across several options.  Would love suggestions for what has worked best for your canning needs!  I'm looking for efficiency and practicality!  THANK YOU!


  1. Jennifer I know how you are feeling..I was a whopping 32 when I had to have a complete hysterectomy.I had 5 children and I so wanted more.They were able to leave my ovary which I am so thankful for. I have never had to take pills!!
    Looking back..this has been great..NO no feeling horrible.
    I now know 5 was what God wanted me to have and my family was just perfect.
    I am glad you are feeling a little better..I promise you each day will get better..just mind your Dr.'s orders..even if you feel good..don't do anything
    I am so glad you had family around to help you!
    Looking forward to seeing what others post about the tomatoes.

    Hugs from Texas Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Aww, I'm sorry. I will pray your husband gets home safe and sounds and soon and your recovery goes well. Thank goodness for family! I don't know what I would do without mine. You are in my prayers!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about what you went through. I am praying for you and the family. On a happier note, look at God's abundance! What a blessing!

    I am praying for you and your family.


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