Around here Sunday dinners bring with them lots of yummy food, a fairly restful day, and great family time! I personally couldn't think of a better way to spend a day!
Aunt Carla and Tiffany came to visit this weekend, and that always means hair styling for the girls! They LOVE to have their hair done pretty! Gracie continually asked me, "is my hair messed up?" We actually took bets that those would be the first words out of her mouth when she woke up this morning! And sure enough, this groggy little princess walked into the living room and the first sounds out of her mouth were, "is my hair okay?" And as she watches me type, she's asking the same thing, followed by, "that bout both of my hair do's?"
One of those perfect moments I was actually able to capture with the camera!
Apple pie crust! I've decided that this is what playdoh originated from! I do believe that if I was around back in the 'old' days, I'd find my children finding joy in the simple shaping of dough into a ball!
Quite the Sunday feast.....brought to you especially by Alaina! She wanted to cook so she chose the menu, made her ingredient list, grocery shopped with her Daddy and prepared the meal today with the help of Gracie, Aiden, and myself! It was amazing, she did awesome, and I love seeing her want to create and share meals that won't only taste great, but bring us joy and memories as well! All three of these recipes came from my favorite cookbook from The Pioneer Woman.
Such tiny hands, what a wonder to his little cousin who herself isn't so very big either! Gracie just loves baby Tucker and enjoyed holding his hand today!
Sweet Tucker Wade taking a Sunday snooze!
Loving their new cousin! Nobody can ever get enough turns of holding the little guy!
I can't imagine life not full of all of these little faces! I wouldn't want to. Our dirt road may get dry and dusty at times, but it's never low on what really matters. I thank God for bringing me to this place in my life, for I don't think it could get much sweeter! As the days cool down and the season changes once again, I remember that the love of my children will never change!!!
I love these pictures - and what precious smiles your children have!