I read a book. It changed me. So today I give thanks. Thanks for it all, good and what may seem a challenge. When we close our hand tight in control, it snuff's out God's freely given joy. So today, I open mine wide to let His grace flow.
1. Her Daddy to love. The time away he sacrifices to take such good care of us.
2. Blue, innocent, bright eyes that love and nurture us all with simple joy.
4. Little boy boots and the places they tread
5. Innocence and wonder, always!
6. A new time for us. Being so full of now that we can't miss yesterday
7. His growing independence
8. Another of 365 days of loving each other
9. The smile when he woke up to find his Valentine
10. Eyes and a smile that light up our days, hearts, and lives
11. Fun times and new experiences, watching them grow
12. Friends and family. Those who love us always. The ones that want to be here but distance won't allow. Those who choose to be here, a part of our lives. And those whom God has allowed the choice to not be in our lives-for He knows what we don't and always what is best!
13. Healing. In, of, and from the body of Christ.
14. Our dogs
15. Answered prayers
16. The peace of knowing there's no such thing as unanswered prayers, only better ways
17. The gift of counting
Count with me? The good. The bad. The joy. The sorrow. The hard. The exciting. The beauty. The everything. For all is a gift, even when wrapped in what we see as hardship and tears. This gift of counting, this book that has changed me, this author whose heart touches mine, these words that God has used to transform, this new way of seeing God.....can be found gracefully in the following pages....
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