Friday, March 14, 2014

House Bill No. 288


This post was originally posted approximately a year ago and Titled Louisiana House Bill No. 958. Once again-the same type of bill has been proposed-this time it's House Bill No. 288 being proposed by Representative Major Thibaut. For the sake of streamlining the process of equipping  hunters to speak up for their rights-I'm simply going to replace last years details with updated information. Since they're trying to pull the same type of nonsense law out of their valuable public service skills-this will be very easy. The only information changing will be the above mentioned  name on the bill proposal and I will fill in dates as I learn them! Now it's y'all's turn.....let's get busy with the phone calls and emails! Happy hunting....and advocating for your rights!...Jennifer


A week ago I posted an article.  Its reach was pretty far.  Its content seemed to serve as a voice for a large number of hog hunters like myself, my husband, and so many of our friends.  If you're unfamiliar with this article you can GO HERE to read it. 

There were many of YOU, just like us...
Ready to stand up for what we believe in to protect our rights as hog hunters and dog owners.
There's a time to speak up for these things and one of those times is NOW.

This past week many of you were made aware of a law being proposed in our state of Louisiana.   A law that will prohibit the transport of 'live feral hogs'.

Now, I am fairly educated.  But I will be the first to admit that I didn't pay that much attention when it came to 'government'.  Since I spend my days raising & teaching our kids, taking care of pups, and hunting with my husband-I'm not exactly a walking resource on the 'law making' process in Louisiana-or anywhere to be more exact.   I don't think I'm the only one. 

So, I've done my homework.  I've made the phone calls.  And I've come up with what I hope will serve as an easy guide to what's going on here.  AND to make sure WE ALL know that time is of the essence and there IS A WAY for you to make a difference.  I'll do my best to share what I've learned.


HOUSE BILL NO. 288 by Representative Thibaut looks to prohibit the transport of live feral hogs

The bill can be found HERE.  Included are penalties that one 'shall' be subject to if the law is violated. 

A quick little graph of how the law making process works in Louisiana can be found HERE.  But basically, it's like this....

1.  A House Representative presents a proposed bill (In this case Representative Thibaut)
2.  It is referred to a specific house committee (In this case Natural Resource & Environment)
3.  That committee hears/reviews the bill and they make a report on the bill.  It is my understanding that the bill can be stopped inside the committee.  If so, it stops there.  If not, we go on to number 4.
4.  The bill gets presented/debated on the floor of the House of Representatives.
5.  The Bill is either voted for or against in the House of Representatives. If against, it can either be reconsidered or receive no further action.  If approved, it then goes on to the Louisiana Senate.
6.  From here, pretty much the same process of #'s 1-5 is repeated in the Senate.  If all gets approved, it goes on to the process to get final approval and enactment as law.

Where are we now?

The Bill has been assigned to the Natural Resource & Environment Committee.  My checking shows that it is likely to be 'reviewed' by this committee as early as (To Be Updated).  So, theoretically-the committee could approve this bill, pass it on to be voted and approved by the entire House, and move it onto the Senate possibly as early as (To Be Updated).  (Remember, this is based on my understanding of information received)  That's a lot of work and a whole lot of possible progress to be made in a very short time.  That's where we come in.


Our first and perhaps most effective approach needs to be to 'kill' this bill right where it's starting!  It would be awesome to stop it in committee.  If not there, then lets get it stopped in the House so it won't even move onto Senate.

Like I shared in the 'Hogs Dogs & Haters' article, our voices do make a difference.  What matters is that we let the people who are making these decisions and laws know how we feel about this proposed law.


1.  Email or call your specific House Representative (CLICK HERE to find your rep)  and let them know you are AGAINST HOUSE BILL No. 288.  Share your thoughts, opinions, and reasons.
2.  Encourage your like minded friends to do the same.
3.  Email or call EVERY representative that you can on this specific committee.  Remember they will be reviewing and making a report on this bill in a (To Be Updated)!  Go HERE to find the list of Representative on this committee.  Print the list then go through and find links to each member's contact information.
4.  Encourage your like minded friends to do the same.

I don't mind sharing what I will be emailing to the representatives in this committee.  It might give you an example of how to word your own opinions:

Dear Representative_____________,

My name is ______________ and I live _______________.  I understand that house Bill No. 288 will be reviewed by your committee within                        .  This bill would have a very negative impact on the sport of Hog Hunting.  This impact is more than personal, it could also affect many businesses throughout the state that rely on this sport as the heart of their income.  Please strongly consider stopping this bill in its tracks because of the impact it will have on myself and others.  We often catch and transport live hogs for the purpose of training hunting dogs or to castrate so that down the road they can be fit to kill as food.  Please contact me if you'd like further information.  Please STOP Bill. No 288 that would prohibit the transportation of live feral hogs.



REMEMBER:  This is just a sample.  It would be great to add your own thoughts and concerns.  The more representatives on this committee that you can email and call, the better we will be heard!  And remember to contact your own representative too!

There you have it-with instructions and links as well.  I hope this helps make it easier.  PLEASE voice your opposition to this bill.  Don't think your opinion doesn't matter!  Don't wait until after a law is passed to take action.  Take charge and BE HEARD AS SOON as you can!

THANK Y'ALL and GOD BLESS!  Feel free to comment with questions or concerns.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Philippines Mission Trip

I've gathered pictures from our friends helping to rebuild the Open Door Bible Baptist Mission in the Philippines!  Please continue to pray as they serve as the hands and feet of Christ for a people in need!  THANK YOU!

Framing for the building they have started on!  Beside it is one of the huts for Sunday School.

CCWC Associate Pastor Josh Love sharing with the people in Sagay!

Who would have EVER thought this little guy could be found on a mission trip with a little boy's Daddy!

My favorite picture of the day!  Rumor has it this little one already had CCWC Pastor Dean Love wrapped around her finger!
Keep those prayers coming as God uses these to share and shine the love of Christ!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Counting Gifts

The weekend is about to make its appearance!
Whether you're dealing in helping and linking verbs, multiplication facts, chemistry, or just the family chores....consider slowing down your weekend for some great family time!
We will be!

Today you can find me writing over HERE at Homeschool Survival.
Consider visiting and reading.  Today's post has this oh so perfect little red-headed boy at its heart!
I can already tell today is one of those days I just can't make myself WANT to stay we probably won't.  It's days when the classroom moves outside, when the creation surrounding us becomes the chalkboard, when family becomes the teacher.....that's when I am especially reminded to give thanks!

Thankful for such a FAITHFUL God.
For such a wonderful husband.
For the opportunity to teach these crazy little people.
For another day to give my best.
For the countdown to the end of this hitch.
Today, I choose to count my gifts.
Today, that choice can be yours as well!
Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thes.5:18b

Will you take the time today to pray for a team we have headed to the Philippines?  They have traveled there to be the hands and feet of Christ.  To be the vessels of His light into the lives of those who have lost so much.  Please pray for protection, for God's glory, and for hearts to be tender to their presence.  God knows their names!  Thank you!


On this Friday morning, they are in Manila, Philippines!  It's 11PM on Friday night there!  They should fly out to the other side of the Island on Saturday at 10:30.  For those of you who don't know, they will be rebuilding the Open Door Baptist Church!  Keep those prayers coming!  Thank You!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hog Hunting

As the 'hog hunting' culture is being exposed through popular television shows....some of us at home are actually living the sport.  My husband's been a hog hunter since long before hog hunting was cool.  With that said, let me tell you that the opposition to the sport is LOUD, proud, and shameless about trying to drag us through the mud.
We live where generations have hunted.  Hunted more than hog.  Lived off the land.  Shared their stories.  Loved their family.  Lost their loved ones.  Survived wars.  Our history runs deep in these woods.  Even me, the transplanted wife, can tell you that the history of two cultures now collide and intertwine in my heart.
We catch the negative attention more times than you'd realize.  While families in cities across America cheer on reality TV shows pretending to depict the reality of this sport....we hear whispers of new laws to protect these poor 'abused' animals.  We are told that what we do is cruel, inhumane, and should in the end be prosecuted.
So a message has been brewing in my heart for many weeks.  If you know me, you know I have NO problem standing up for what I believe in.  I pray, I study God's word, I pay attention to the culture shifts, and I am willing to fight for my children's future.  Spiritually, emotionally, and politically.
Their generation is losing rights before they are even old enough to enjoy them.  While at the same time blinded, reprobate minds are fighting for other nonsense the right to kill their own children.  Trying to teach them that 'love' has no boundaries.  That the best way to be protected is to take away their fire arms.  That their health is in the hands of the agencies controlling an engineered food supply.
LOUD.  The groups lobbying for abortion rights, same-sex marriage, gun control, and an 'atheist' nation....those groups are LOUD and PROUD.  If they are outnumbered by conservative Christians like ourselves, you wouldn't know it on Capitol Hill.  This nation is governed by the louder voice more often than it is the popular vote. 
So...let me give you another perspective to stand on.  And let me remind you that doing what's right is usually not what's popular.  And it's usually uncomfortable.  So if you believe in what I'm sharing, feel free to use my words if yours don't come as easily.  Use them, share them, rally them together with your own.  Just don't, whatever you do, sit and quietly watch another right be stripped away.
Like you, I was created.  This whole 'debate' can be found summarized in Romans chapter 1 of the Bible.  You see, you are doing something the Bible calls 'worshiping the created instead of the creator'.  Animals are created.  Humans are created.  So while fighting full speed ahead for the rights of feral hogs and catch dogs at any and all're missing some seriously important parts of the picture.
Let me clear up some misconceptions. 
First, our primary reason for owning hog dogs IS NOT to spend our days chasing or cheering our dogs on just to see how much they can 'damage' a hog.  My response stems from an article on the Humane Society's website that say of  LEGAL bay competitions...
 "While hog dog trials try to package themselves as respectable entertainment, they are often little more than glorified hog dog fights, similar to other bloodsports like dogfighting, bullfighting, and cockfighting." 
The truth is that our passion is in hunting wild hogs to eat or to use in the training of puppies.  At no time is it ever to see how much damage a dog can do.  Our bay dogs serve an important role while hunting and these competitions are a great way to showcase our dog's talent, enjoy the sport with others like ourselves, and get our children involved in such a great activity.
Our catch dogs (not entered in said bay competitions) serve to CATCH the hog.  Yes, injuries occur to both animals at times but we do take measures to prevent this and quickly put a hog down if the damage is severe.  Distorted views like the one I've quoted above do nothing other than spread untrue views of what we really do.
Second, wild hogs are not cute, cuddly, defenseless animals that are left at a disadvantage.  They are destructive, mean, and completely capable of holding their ground.   I promise you that if my kids or myself came across a hog in the woods and it felt threatened...we are at FAR greater risk than the animal.  Countless acres of land are destroyed every year by the hog population.  As for the sport of "catch competitions"... you can't fairly pass laws that hinder an entire sport because of a few small events that represented barely a portion of 'hog dog' activities.
Third, you argue that the dogs are suffering cruelty in this sport.  You are DEAD wrong.  Dogs are animals.  As domesticated as you may aim to make them, they are completely in their element while hunting.  It's silly to say letting an animal hunt is doing it a disservice.  I could argue that keeping an animal in a house every day is further against it's origins than what we do.  I'm all for house pets if that's what you like, but leave my dogs natural abilities to hunt alone.  The instinct to hunt is what they were born with, not a cute fluffy bed that sits in your entryway.  I can guarantee you that our dogs are better cared for, happier, and healthier than the starving and neglected children in this country that you COULD be spending your energy and time protecting instead of our happy animals.  You see, those children, and the 1.3 million unborn children that our nation aborts yearly, they were all made in the image of God-unlike hogs.  Your passion, energy, and financial provision would be so much better spent on THAT kind of protection.
As for the dogs themselves, not allowing them to hunt is the same to me as not allowing your children to play sports or enjoy life because you're afraid of them getting hurt.  Same thing.  When you limit your children to only your home and never let them out into the world (especially sports or any other activity that carries risks), then-and only then-can you come talk to me about not hunting my dogs because they could get hurt.
Fourth, you argue that my children are being taught blood sport.  Wrong.  My children are being taught to hunt their own food.  To take pride in training an animal to sharpen their natural born hunting skills.  We hunt as a family, in God's beautiful creation of the woods, away from violent video games and cartoons, and not in front of TV shows that promote homosexuality or violence.  They are taught the sanctity of HUMAN life, and that it's OK and encouraged to hunt and harvest their own food.  Wouldn't you, as a liberal, be proud that they're not eating the poison junk food that you're trying to ban from public schools? 
Fifth, our dogs are respected as animals and in no way endanger our children.  I once said I'd never let a pit bull live on this land.  I was so misguided and mistaken because of the negative media attention this breed attracts.  A dog is a dog.  Period.  Safety measures and common sense should always be used when allowing children around dogs-especially ones large and powerful in strength.  I know true accidents have happened in the past, but so have many tragedies that could have been prevented.  At the end of the day, a dog is still a dog.  Even the best dog can 'snap' under certain circumstances.  Unfortunately, this breed has been sadly blamed for many situations that have stemmed from poor decisions and a lack of common sense.  Our catch dogs have proven to be our sweetest, gentlest, most protective, and good natured dogs that we've ever had.  We love them dearly.  We also take precautions as with any dog around our children. 
And finally, I ask you to prayerfully consider where better you could invest your time, energy, and finances.  There are children and adults being sold in sex trafficking right here in our country.  Women and families being destroyed for the sake of aborting an 'inconvenient' child.  Like I mentioned before this letter, the rights to bear arms, to worship and serve Christ, and to remain free-are under major attack daily.  Further legislation and laws against such isolated incidents as 'dog fighting' should NOT continue to hinder the family sport of hog hunting.
A Louisiana Hog Hunting Family
NOTE:  In no way was this letter written to stir hate.  Only to make you, others, and the people pushing to abolish our sport aware of the truth.  I encourage you to pay attention to your state and national legislation so as these rights are not terminated before we even knew they were at risk.
Do your homework.  Stand up for this sport.  Encourage your state representatives to do the same.

ATTENTION:  While I will not include links as to boost their page viewings, I am aware of more than one site and/or group of people that are actively seeking to take away our rights to hunt hogs and to hunt with our dogs.  However I have NO way to prove their authenticity.  I just don't know if their bite is as big as their bark-pun intended.  Our job needs to be to match the voices of these groups to our legislators and representatives-when necessary.
If you are aware of any specific proposals, laws being drafted, petitions, or any other action of the like against our rights, please comment with specifics below.  Consider joining your local dog hunting association.  If there isn't one-start one.  We need to be paying attention to what these groups of people are doing and be ready to counter their voices with our own.