Self Control is hard, even for us grown-up people. I've always loved watching my children as they begin to reach deep down into their hearts for the courage to follow instructions and find patience. As my littlest one is trying so hard to be big (and doing quite well), I've came across a wonderful tool. I'd seen pictures of the 'soothing bottles' all over Pinterest. It makes sense! You shake up the glitter, hand it over, and instruct them to sit and watch until the glitter all reaches the bottom!
Perfect way to distract their attention from those high powered, little people emotions that can take over so easily! It also gives them a visual of when the time out moment will end, and something to focus on until it does. So, I've made us our own and will be the first to admit that so far, I've gotten more relaxation out of it than I've had to hand it out for the real deal 'calm it down' moments! And, I changed the recipe to accommodate missing ingredients and it worked great!
So enjoy the week in pictures, then get crafty if you please!
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4
Whose teaching who? My gift is the top picture-it's me, a heart, my duck, and their names and ages! Next is Daddy's picture-see how tall they made him! And the delivery crew in action! |
Art Project~Chocolate Pudding Finger Paint! This kept her busy for the longest time, and me entertained listening to her play! |
Science experiment fun! No greater way to learn than hands on, right? I love his different expressions here! This week we've made it rain over the stove, poured air into underwater jars, and learned about mixtures and compound/chemical changes! |
Possibly my two favorite birthday presents of all time! The top was designed and created by Gracie girl ALL by herself, and the bottom was made especially for me by my Cass! And my other most favorite was waking up to breakfast cooked by Daddy and served by Aiden! Yes, it was the perfect birthday! |
Not everyone gets their very own custom made Hundreds Chart!!! Little girl needed some motivation and this was my end of the deal for such hard work from her! I found the cutest chevron print one but was informed that although cute, it wasn't really 'her'. And this I must say, fits her personality perfectly! So easy to make on Word with some clip art and inserted table!
These instructions differ from all the others that I've found on Pinterest and on other Blogs. They all seemed to call for 'glitter glue' as an ingredient. I didn't have this on hand, so after a failed attempt at just mixing water, food color, and glitter, I finally did some reading on instructions and came up with this easily created solution!
If you don't have the glue-the glitter will stay clumped together and float to the surface. To thicken your 'water' and make the glitter stay suspended longer, simply use clear glue!
Sometimes we just need something to focus on to calm us down! But wait....I made this for the kids, not Mama! Although I admit to already planning of making my own version of this little soothing machine!
This is SO simple.... |
1. Pour hot water into your jar or other pretty container
2. Add your clear glue
(I used a solution of 1 Cup 2 Tbs. Hot Water to 1/4 Cup Clear Glue. It takes about 4 minutes for the glitter to settle in this jar. You can play with this mixture to change that up!)
3. Add a couple of drops of food coloring. A little goes a LONG way!
4. Dump in some glitter
5. Seal it up (Watch for glitter on your inner seal if you're using canning jars-it will cause a leak)
6. Shake! Shake! Shake!
Remember to fill as close to top as you can so that you won't get a gap.
And IT! I did hot glue my seal and the ring onto the jar after I was done!
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