Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our Story In Pictures

We've all heard tell that a picture is worth a thousand words.  So tonight, may my words be few, my pictures be plenty, and God's grace be with you!

PRAISE GOD my little boy gave His life to the Lord!  My first and biggest prayer for Aiden's life has been answered and I am so proud to watch God move in His life and heart!  Here was that perfect quiet moment~he was waiting to be baptized!

Brother Keith shared part of Aiden's story at his baptism.  This little boy gave His life to Jesus on the side of the road and I was so blessed to pray with him that night!

Praying before a ball game!

My two ball players and one in the future!

Baby girl's first big dance recital! 

 Such a beautiful little girl!  She did so good at recital!

And Lil' man is just as wild and amazing as he could be!

The end of another amazing school year for Aiden!  He was awarded for all A's and being an outstanding reader!  He finished his first grade year in the Abeka cirriculum with a 99.3 GPA!!!

Did I mention Gracie LOVED her first year of T-Ball?

First year of pitching machine for Aiden!  He started on 3rd base but found his love playing catcher before the season ended

Gracie's first day of dance camp!

Then there was VBS at Brenty's church!  Fishin' with a mission!

Summer days have settled in around here!

That's how they roll!

                                            Love our boys!  Look at those eyes!

 Yeah, we hunt gators around these here parts...haha, really just a trip to the zoo!

That's about right with these three!

Can I please say LIKE FATHER LIKE SON with these two?!?

That's him, the baby of our babies!!!!

Country livin' usually involves mud ;)

The dog days of summer are here and amongst all of life's seasons I can always say that He is with us.  He hears every prayer of thanks, every plea for healing, and each and every apology for falling short that I have to offer.  And in it all, He has already heard, cared, and answered in ways that are greater than any of my worldly ideas may seem to be.  I LOVE HIM!!!!! Thank you Jesus for being the center of this family, for being in us, and greater than he who is in the world!

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.  Proverbs 15:3

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.  Proverbs 15:9


  1. Love it! Praising God with you for your little boy's salvation and baptism! Congratulations! New follower here, from the MOB Society link-up. :)

  2. (P.S. I think your Google FriendConnect widget is weirding out. All I see is some odd-looking text. I'll bookmark and be back later to follow!)

    1. I know.....I have no idea how to make it work though! I'm really not a computer newbie but this one has me stumped....haven't tried to fix it for a few months though! LOL!

  3. Congratulations!!! :)

  4. Yay!!!! this is the #1 most important thing ever! whoo- hoo! pls link up with our Summer Fun link!!! love it

  5. Thank you!!!! My heart couldn't be happier!


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